Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dr. Dog Visits WUTK's Studio

I've always associated Philly's Dr. Dog with Springtime. I'm not exactly sure when or how the two became involved in this odd, yet mutually beneficial relationship, but whenever I hear the the band's psychedelic-tinged pairing of Americana and harmony-driven rock, I can't help but lazily drift into a warmer state-of-mind. This weird observation is why it was so fitting that when the band paid a visit to WUTK yesterday, the temperature was freakishly above-average for February.

I had seen Dr. Dog a couple of times, but both took place at music festivals with minimal stage set-up, so when Brittney B. and I headed to the Bijou to peek in on the sound check and pick the guys up, I was shocked at their lavishly bright stained-glass themed backdrop and how well their vocals translated into the Bijou.

Once we arrived at the station, the entire band (not only 3 members as was originally planned), graced our studio with four acoustic tunes and an interview. It's always difficult to predict how bands will react to WUTK's tiny basement headquarters, but Dr. Dog was especially awesome and took the time to stick around and record a few station ID's as well as chat with some of our new DJ's.

Needless to say, that nights show at the Bijou was fantastic. Opening band, Seattle's The Head and The Heart, took the audience by surprise—and earned a standing ovation—by delivering song after catchy song full of string accompaniment and guy/girl vocals. Both the Head and The Heart as well as Dr. Dog can be heard in WUTK's daily rotation.

For those of you in the Knoxville area, be sure to tune into UTTV (channel 194) for video and audio of Brittney and I's interview with Dr. Dog as well as other performances recorded live in the WUTK studio!


Photos from Brittney B. to come...

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