Monday, March 21, 2011


"So...will I see you in Austin?!" No.
"Hey Carey, wanna meet up in Austin and grab a drink?" Nope.
"Dude, I'm so excited about the SXSW tUnE-yArDs show." I'M NOT GOING TO SXSW DAMNIT!!!
The week before SXSW is always bitter-sweet at WUTK. After spending countless hours chatting with promoters about the ins and outs of the festival, it becomes borderline impossible not to slam down the phone and hook-up a makeshift IV of margaritas to ease the pain brought on by the fact that WUTK completely lacks funding from the University and therefor, our staff is left sloshing through the streets of Knoxville half-drowning in a pool of lukewarm PBR's instead of taking in the sights and sounds of the fabled festival.

But even though the festival is over and all is back to normal, the videos of Austin's best performances continue to pop-up. So, if even if you were lucky enough to make it to Texas but can't quite piece together where Starfucker began and Middle Brother ended...check out some of WUTK's favorites below.

Wild Flag




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